Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition Releases
Released: Dec 28, 2021
Updates in 5.0.1
- The alignment style is lost in the exported JSON file.
- The formula is incorrect in the exported Excel file when using template language to generate report.
- Unexpected borders are shown in exported image.
- FormatRows setting of worksheet protection is lost in the exported Excel file.
- System.AggregateException is thrown on saving Excel file to multiple PDF files in parallel.
- Hidden rows are shown in the exported JSON file.
- IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown on calling 'Workbook.Calculate...
Released: Dec 14, 2021
Updates in 5.0.0
- Added support for Linked Pictures - Combining charts, data tables, conditional formatting, etc. all in one sheet can be complex. Since the size of these elements is often not uniform, presenting them in a single dashboard sheet can be difficult to accommodate. A linked picture can be created to the actual data/table/chart in your final dashboard.
- Added the ability to print documents directly to a physical Printer.
- Added support for Table expandBoundRows API which sets the policy when...
Released: Nov 23, 2021
Updates in 4.2.6
- The cell formula and value are lost in exported JSON file.
- It takes too much time on calling method 'Workbook.ProcessTemplate()'.
- Exception is thrown on calling 'Workbook.ToJson()' method.
- The cell style is incorrect in the exported Excel file.
- Exception is thrown on calling 'Workbook.FromJson()' method.
- The result of 'Round' formula is incorrect in German culture.
- IlleagalArguement and NumberFormat exception would be thrown on opening particular excel file using GcExcel.
- The formula in...
Released: Nov 8, 2021
Updates in 4.2.5
- It takes too much time on calling method 'GetUsedRange'.
- It takes too much time on copying range with formulas.
- Exception is thrown on calling IRange.FromJson.
- The formula is not correct after cutting range to another position.
- The exported Excel file is corrupted after copying a range from one workbook to another.
- The number format is changed after setting cell's value.
- Exception is thrown on calling 'ToJson' method in Mac environment.
- Macros are not preserved when an xlsm file with OLE...
Released: Oct 18, 2021
Updates in 4.2.4
- IGraphic.LockAspectRatio didn't take effect when adding picture or changing picture size.
- An error would be thrown when loading the JSON file exported by GcExcel in SpreadJS designer.
- InvalidFormulaException is thrown on opening an Excel file.
- Exception is thrown on copying range.
- Exception is thrown on loading JSON file exported by GcExcel.
- Formula is lost after loading JSON and exporting to Excel file.
- (Duplicate)InvalidFormulaException is thrown on opening an Excel file.
- The comments...
Released: Oct 4, 2021
Updates in 4.2.3
Released: Sep 24, 2021
Updates in 4.2.2
- Added support for XlsmOpenOptions and XlsmSaveOptions.
- "Justify distributed" setting is lost in the exported PDF file.
- Exception is thrown on copying a worksheet to another workbook.
- The checkbox is lost in the exported PDF file.
- The cell value is incorrect after using setValue method to set the cell value.
- Print Area is different from the original JSON file in the exported JSON.
- Exception is thrown on reading the JSON file.
- The exported Excel file is corrupted after deleting rows...
Released: Sep 3, 2021
Updates in 4.2.1
- Added dynamic array and workbook URI links to formula parser.
- Enhanced Range.AutoFit(bool considerMergedCell).
- ITickLabels.NumberFormat is not applied when saving a workbook to PDF/Image/HTML file.
- When IAxis.MajorUnit is set, tick labels are duplicated in exported PDF/Image/HTML file.
- When the chart series is added, orders of series and legends are incorrect in exported XLSX file.
- Values of category axis are incorrect in exported PDF/Image/HTML file.
- Exception is thrown on saving...
Released: Aug 16, 2021
Updates in 4.2
- Dynamic Array Formulas
- GcExcel adds extensive support for adding dynamic array formulas to Microsoft Excel files through code. The new workbook.AllowDynamicArray will allow you to enable/disable the dynamic array formula in the worksheet. Once enabled, you can use these seven new functions and the dynamic array formula to give the results desired by your applications:
- Two new errors have also been added:
- #Spill! - Indicates that...
Released: Jul 29, 2021
Updates in 4.1.4
- The exported PDF is different from SpreadJS designer.
- Throws an exception on saving a PDF file.
- Program stuck on using the 'copy' method of IRange.
- 'CellInfo.GetRangeBoundary' method generates incorrect result.
- Zoomfactor info is lost in the exported JSON.
- The page footer in exported PDF is incorrect with the '&D' format.
- The number format of PivotTable's data field is lost in the exported Excel file.
- Throws an exception on using the 'IWorksheet.FromJson' method.
- Treemap and Sunburst...