Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition Releases
Released: Jan 7, 2020
Updates in 3.0.3
- Exception is thrown when importing xlsx file with certain conditional formatting.
- Hyperlink included in ssjson, does not display when exported to PDF.
- The column formula is not expanded after adding new rows in Table.
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson with data validations.
- When the tag of the copied sheet is changed, the tag of the copy source is also changed.
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson with grouping.
- Extra Border is drawn around an image in the header, when xlsx is...
Released: Dec 13, 2019
Updates in 3.0.2
- Exception is thrown when importing ssjson that contains duplicated table names.
- Null reference exception is thrown when exporting to ssjson.
- Index out of range exception is thrown when exporting to PDF.
Released: Oct 30, 2019
Updates in 3
- Create Microsoft Excel Reports using Templates - GcExcel introduces new template support with a comprehensive syntax and API to bind Excel documents to data to generate Excel reports with advanced layouts. Key Features:
- Simple language syntax
- Define data expansion direction
- Define Context for data expansion
- Define range of data
- Add data from multiple data sources
- Group your data
- Outline Group
- Specify nested data fields
- Define Formula functions
- Define Sort expression
- Define Expression...
Released: Sep 30, 2019
Updates in 2.2.6
- Improved opening time of large spreadsheets containing shape and auto-fit rows.
- Added support for JP built-in named styles.
- Formula result is not precise which leads to conditional checking failure.
- The location and size of shapes are incorrect after opening the saved Microsoft Excel spreadsheet under JP culture.
- The content of exported PDF is incorrect.
Released: Sep 5, 2019
Updates in 2.2.5
- The picture name is changed after saving a workbook to json several times.
- Corrupted Excel file is generated after copying a range containing checkbox control.
- Cell border is lost in exported pdf file.
- The auto row height is incorrect in the exported pdf if there is a merged cell and wrap text is true.
- Exception is thrown when opening a Excel file with a table whose name contains '.'.
- The marker of data series is changed after saving and loading json.
- The content should not be wrapped when...
Released: Aug 23, 2019
Updates in 2.2.4
- IndexOutOfRange exception is thrown when the same XLSX file is opened with parallel threads.
- Exception is thrown after loading ssjson and then save to PDF file.
- Column width changed after loading ssjson.
- Unable to fill shape with picture through API.
- Exception is thrown after loading ssjson and then invoke SetColumnWidth.
- Some text can not be rendered completely in the exported PDF file.
- Unable to set a picture fill for shape.
- The public members can not be evaluated correctly in vs debug...
Released: Aug 8, 2019
Updates in 2.2.3
- Incorrect sparkine is rendered in the exported PDF file.
- InvalidFormulaException is thrown during loading ssjson.
- An error occurs while saving to PDF file.
- Stack overflow occurs while saving to PDF file.
- Exception is thrown while loading a xlsm file.
- Cell Style is not correct after GcExcel toJSON and then SpreadJS fromJSON.
Released: Jul 24, 2019
Updates in 2.2.2
- Customer can overwrite current function implementation when registering a new custom function.
- Exception is thrown when exporting to json.
- Exception is thrown after adding a lot of hyperlinks then saving to Excel.
- Some text can not display completely in the exported pdf file.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on using Calculate method for a Workbook.
- If calculated result is too large(20+ digits) in the cell, the value acquired by GcExcel is horizontally reversed.
- There is a difference...
Released: Jun 12, 2019
Updates in 2 Service Pack 2
- Export spreadsheets with shapes to PDF: Insert arrows, lines, pictures, general shapes, and MS Excel in-built shapes.
- Control pagination and spreadsheet content export to PDF: Control printing specific Excel portions to PDF documents:
- Render Excel ranges Inside a PDF
- Print specific pages of Excel to PDF
- Group customized data range while exporting to PDF
- Print multiple worksheets to one page in PDF
- Manage headers on different pages
- Export different Excel workbooks into one PDF: Export or...
Released: Apr 19, 2019
Updates in 2.1.4
- Significantly improved the performance of exporting a single worksheet to PDF.
- FromJson method was improved when Json contained table style and multiple named styles.
- GcExcel now sets minimum value of Zoom factor to 10% when exporting spreadsheet to PDF, similar to MS Excel.