Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition Releases
Released: May 26, 2023
Updates in 6.1.1
- Performance issue on calling IRange.Merge() method and exporting to Excel file.
- Exception is thrown on loading particular SSJSON file.
- The result is incorrect of data binding when the binding path contains the index of array.
- The tick marks units of charts in the exported PDF file are smaller than ones in Excel file.
- The margin setting is incorrect in the exported Excel file after loading the SSJSON file.
- Filter is lost in the exported SSJSON file.
- The column width of row header is lost in...
Released: May 9, 2023
Updates in 6.1.0
- Added support for SpreadJS .sjs file format.
- Added export options in ToImage() method.
- Added the ability to copy/move multiple sheets at once.
- Added support for XLTX file format.
- Added support for Form Controls on SpreadJS JSON I/O.
- Added support for allowResize property on SpreadJS JSON I/O.
- Exception is thrown on adding calculated items on Pivot Field.
- The performance of Workbook.FromJson() method is bad when JSON contains stripped style in big tables.
- The calculating...
Released: Apr 7, 2023
Updates in 6.0.6
- Image size is not adjusted with the column width when setting BestFitColumns as true when exporting PDF file.
- NullReferenceException is thrown on calling the PrintManager.Paginate() method.
- The text is not wrapped in the exported PDF file.
- Cell notes lost after saving workbook to a new Excel file.
- Data binding does not support special symbols.
- Table filters are not working properly after fetching Table JSON.
- Table and Slicers are cleared after fetching the table JSON.
- Exception is thrown...
Released: Mar 17, 2023
Updates in 6.0.5
- Exception is thrown on calling Calculated or Save method when workbook contains dynamic array formulas.
- The error type of formulas are different from Excel.
- The condition format result in the exported PDF file is different Excel.
- The table style is incorrect in the exported Excel file after processing template.
- Exception is thrown on calling FromJson method.
- Lambda function does not return correct result when getting values.
- Exception is thrown on saving workbook when it contains corrupted...
Released: Feb 24, 2023
Updates in 6.0.4
- Added the option to control to export shared formula in SSJSON file.
- Exception is thrown on loading particular SSJSON file contains circular reference.
- The calculated result is incorrect from Excel.
- The result of IFNA function is incorrect from Excel.
- The celltype in copied range is not cleared when copying range from other worksheet.
- The column which width is 0 is invisible in the SpreadJS designer.
- The shape is lost in the exported Excel and PDF file after setting the shape...
Released: Feb 3, 2023
Updates in 6.0.3
- The calculation result is incorrect when the formula is array formula.
- The number format changes from "General" to "Custom" after loading and exporting SSJSON file.
- The height of plot area and the tick labels are incorrect in the exported PDF file.
- Exception is thrown on inserting rows when worksheet contains data validation.
- Exception is thrown on loading particular SSJSON file contains unexpected binding path content.
- Exception is thrown on loading then saving to another Excel file.
- The...
Released: Jan 6, 2023
Updates in 6.0.2
- The marker size, data label and series line color chart are incorrect in the exported PDF file.
- Some row heights are incorrect after processing template.
- The linked cell text color becomes white after loading the SSJSON file then exporting to SSJSON file.
Released: Dec 23, 2022
Updates in 6.0.1
- Performance issue when using table bindings with 500,000 rows data.
- The exported Excel file is corrupted after processing template.
- The data validation lost after loading the SSJSON file when the applied range is whole column.
- Exception is thrown on exporting PDF file when using data binding.
- PageSetup.Zoom does not take effect on barcode in the exported PDF file.
- "Swiss 721 BT" font is not shown correctly in the exported PDF file.
- Print titles settings are lost in the generated report...
Released: Dec 12, 2022
Updates in 6.0.0
- Added JavaScript-based, client-side viewer that can load and preview data-related documents like XLSX, CSV, and SpreadJS .json files.
- Added support for new Lambda function including help functions.
- Improved Paginated Spreadsheet reports.
- Added new text and array manipulation Microsoft Excel functions.
- Added support for 'RowColumnStates' in JSON I/O.
- You can now add shape text with range reference or defined name.
- You can now add shape/picture to cell/cell range using direct method...
Released: Aug 15, 2022
Updates in 5.2.0
- Added new API to add Microsoft Excel Form Controls.
- Added support for CASCADESPARKLINE formula.
- Added the ability to define Paginated Templates in spreadsheets (with GcExcel Templates).
- Added support for Chart Data Table.
- Added support for LET function.
- GetPivotData Formula now supports spilled data.
- Added the ability to add Calculated Item in Pivot Table.
- Added the ability to get accurate range boundary.
- Added the ability to use JSON as DataSource in data binding.
- Added IsVolatile...