Highcharts Gantt v11.3.0

Released: Jan 10, 2024

Updates in v11.3.0


  • Changed default color of Gantt axis grid, to a more lightweight presence. The associated options are 'xAxis.grid.borderColor' and 'yAxis.grid.borderColor'.
  • Added width to data label in x-range and Gantt series, allowing implementers to easily apply word-wrap or ellipsis within the tasks.
  • Added support for grid.columns on tree-grid axes.
  • Implemented native handling of 'time.timezone' option, making dependency on moment.js redundant.
  • Added new 'colorAxis.width' and 'colorAxis.height' options, allowing absolute or relative size.
  • Added new 'chart.axisLayoutRuns' option which allows opting in for more predictable axis tick and label layout, at the cost of performance.
  • Added new default legendSymbol for area series and its derivatives.


  • Secondary grid axis ignored xAxis.units set.
  • Grid axes had open-ended cells in some cases.
  • Grid axis column headers displayed inconsistently depending on how many rows were in the chart.
  • Gantt chart threw error when nodes in the data set were orphaned.