MadCap Central May 2023

Released: May 31, 2023

Updates in May 2023


  • Simplify your workflow - Added support for review packages. With this new feature, you can easily bundle your files and send them off for review directly from Central.
  • Updates to Main Reviews page - Designed the reviews main page to cater to specific roles. What you see and interact with largely depends on your user type. For example, a Reviewer is mainly exposed to packages for reviewing and editing, but an owner has additional access for managing packages and file grids, and can also create packages directly in Central.
  • Toggle Files View, TOC View, and Statuses - You now have the option to view topics as individual files or in a sleek new TOC view that provides greater context and a more natural flow of materials. Reviewers can also see the vertical "at-a-glance" color status indicating "To Do," "In Progress," and "Submitted".
  • Managing review packages right from Central - Even if you aren't the owner, you can have "Manage Reviews" permissions, as long as you are an author. Once you have permissions, you can open a package to add or remove reviewers, add or delete files, set the package status manually, and more.