Highcharts Maps v11.3.0

Released: Jan 10, 2024

Updates in v11.3.0


  • Implemented native handling of the 'time.timezone' option, making the dependency on moment.js redundant.
  • Added new 'colorAxis.width' and 'colorAxis.height' options, allowing absolute or relative size.
  • Added new 'chart.axisLayoutRuns' option. It allows opting in for more predictable axis tick and label layout, at the cost of performance.
  • Added new default legendSymbol for area series and its derivatives.


  • Patterns got scaled with their assigned map areas causing inconsistent rendering.
  • A regression where hovering over mapbubble series points would show the tooltip for another point.
  • After drilling up in certain cases the map zoom was inconsistent compared with the initial zoom.