Click for more Cleaning up a Solution Folder
Code Cleanup can be invoked in any scope, be it a code block, file, folder, project, solution, or a custom scope.
Click for more Removing Unused References
ReSharper analyzes references in all projects and suggests which of them can be safely removed.
Click for more Analyzing References
Before removing unused references, you can review all references in a project and see how they are used (or not used.)
Click for more Find Usages of Resource Entries
ReSharper helps you search for occurrences of a resource entry in all file types and contexts. As soon as you have search results at hand, group them and preview as you see fit.
Click for more IntelliSense for Resource Names
ReSharper shows completion lists suggesting resource names. Completion supports lowerCamelCase, letting you use abbreviations instead of full words.
Click for more Quick Info for Resource Entries
ReSharper's Quick Documentation feature works for resource names, giving you an overview of resource values in all cultures defined in your solution.
Click for more Inheritance Information for Resources
Special gutter marks in the code editor give you a quick glance of cultures in which the current resource value is overridden.
Click for more Navigation to Members in Resource Files
ReSharper's Go to File Member is available in .resx files, letting you jump to a specific resource entry in no time.
Click for more Navigate to Resource Implementations
ReSharper's context-sensitive navigation takes you from a resource declaration or usage to any of its overriding resource names in other cultures.
Click for more Refactoring Resource Entries
ReSharper provides several refactorings for resource entries. For example, it helps you quickly move a resource entry to a different resource file and auto-update its usages along the way.