amCharts 4.5.15

Released: Aug 23, 2019

Updates in 4.5.15


  • Added
    • hideSeriesTooltipsOnSelection added to XYCursor. If set to true it will automatically hide cursor-initiated series tooltips when selecting with cursor (e.g. for a zoom).
    • Properties numberFields, numberFormatter, and numberFormat properties to Export. Allows forcing certain number format for values listed in numberFields effectively converting them into strings.
    • snapToSeries now supports XYChart setups where both X and Y axes are ValueAxis.
  • Changed
    • ZoomControl's plus and minus button will not be exported to images anymore.


  • When the chart with external data source and reload frequency set was disposed, the data source kept reloading the data.
  • When Tooltip's keepTargetHover was enabled and hover moved from an element with tooltip content to an element without one, an empty tooltip was being shown.
  • SankeySiagram with a lot of nodes was performing poorly on initial load.
  • TreeMap could show bullets of multiple levels which could result overapping of bullets/labels.
  • MapLineSeries with imagesToConnect were not updating if images changed their positions.